Sunday, June 24, 2001

Word of the Day:
hoi pol•loi (hoi' pe loi') n. [Gr., the many] the common people; the masses
Japanese Phrase of the Day:
Gokigen igága desu ka?: How are you?
Shakespearian Phrase of the Day:
"Peace, you dull fool! I found them on a tree!" -Rosalind, As You Like It.
Song Lyric of the Day:
"The Fridge is Full, but my Heart is Aching." -Daddy Dj "Daddy DJ"

Phew, that took a while. Hiya hiya...! I'm in Florida rite now! Woo hoo! Marguerite is going NATIONAL! ^.^

It's like, 7 in the morning right now, and I am way hyper. Wow. Hi. How are you???

I watched a funny movie in the living room a while ago. Anybody ever seen "A Funny Thing Happened To Me On The Way To The Forum" ? Funny movie. Gotta love it. ^.^

You know what would be funny? What would be funny is if the entire world were invaded by shiny dancing flower shaped aliens and some guy with funky hair had to go save everybody by running around with mounds and mounds of mounds singing sometimes you feel like a nut sometimes you dont almond joy has nuts mounds dont and he accidently pressed the shiny dancing flower shaped aliens' super destructo-beam-cannon and blew up the alien's home planet so the aliens got angry but he gave them brita filtered water and they were happy and so was the rest of the world until world war three broke out after saddam hussein ate george bush's burger at the big world leader bash 2001.

That was one big sentence.

Three words: Gigantic Crotch Muscles. Interesting. I wonder how it will work out..*shrug*

Okay, I'm still trying to figure out how to get the comment thingy to work.

I wonder what happens when I look up three random words in a dictionary and search for them. let's find out.

Lace Carp Scallop:

Forlorn Lunatic Sombrero:
The World's First Collaborative Sentence

Fortune Breasts Portable:
Psychic Jim's Predictions for October 2000

...I like that last one.

Thursday, June 14, 2001

Hiya. Marguerite here, and I just want to say:

What the world... needs now.... is love.... sweet loooove...

Because, you know, it's the only thing, see, that there's just... too little of. *musicals, big finale, standing ovation* *bows* Thank you, thank you. I enjoy taking all the attention while Joseline is absent... it makes me feel...special *sigh*

Ahem: The new MaJA addition: THE WORD OF THE DAY! Woo hoo! You all get to be ENLIGHTED by your little friends, Marguerite and Joseline. Don't call us Margie and Jo. We WILL come after you, we KNOW where you live. =_=

Today's word is *flips to random page in dictionary*

ly•on•naise (li' e näz') adj. [Fr.] prepared with sliced, fried onions

Those crazy French. Them and their words. *slaps knee* Oh, you kids. *tv laughter*

Okay, I'm gone now. *poof!*

Tuesday, June 12, 2001

Oh yeah. Kick butt... I'm still here, but Joseline-less. She is out somewhere doing something. ^.^

So.. I'm the ruler now! Woo hoo!